Rescue Scottish Pets

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Below is Spud. They are in need of a new home. Please visit the shelter's website to view their requirements and advice before contacting to rehome.

Please take very careful consideration when considering rehoming. Visit the shelter's website and check their guidance and criteria to ensure you meet them.

If you do contact a shelter please mention you found the pet through Rescue Scottish Pets

Contact Shelter More Shelter Pets

Spud is a friendly but independent chap who would like a home with a safe garden he can roam in once he is settled.

Spud would prefer a home with no children where he is the only pet.

If you would like more information on our homing process and to speak to us about Spud, or any other cat, please call us on 0131 554 5521 Mon - Fri 10 - 5, Sat 10 - 4