Rescue Scottish Pets

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Below is Dave & Oreo. They are in need of a new home. Please visit the shelter's website to view their requirements and advice before contacting to rehome.

Please take very careful consideration when considering rehoming. Visit the shelter's website and check their guidance and criteria to ensure you meet them.

If you do contact a shelter please mention you found the pet through Rescue Scottish Pets

Dave & Oreo at the Edinburgh Cat Protection League

Dave & Oreo at the Edinburgh Cat Protection League

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Dave & Oreo are father and son. They are an indoor bonded pair, and must be homed together. They will need a special home with someone very understanding of their health conditions, and ideally a home with no other pets or young children - while they like everyone, they may benefit from a less frenetic household. Dave is grey and white, Oreo is (of course) black & white :)

Dave & Oreo both have a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Oreo's condition is a bit worse than his father's, though for now he is stable and does not require medication. HCM can be hard to predict and will require monitoring with your vets, and owners will need to be prepared for possibility of complications. The main one with HCM is saddle thrombosis - this is a clot which normally causes them to lose the use of one or both back legs. Saddle thrombosis is an incredibly painful condition and requires immediate veterinary attention. The other complication can be plural effusion, which is fluid around the heart and it causes very obvious breathing difficulties.

They are two of the nicest cats and very affectionate, with humans and each other, and would make a lovely pair of companions for someone.

If you would like more information about our homing process, please phone us on 0131 554 5521 Mon - Fri 10 - 5, Sat 10 - 4