Rescue Scottish Pets

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Below is Louis. They are in need of a new home. Please visit the shelter's website to view their requirements and advice before contacting to rehome.

Please take very careful consideration when considering rehoming. Visit the shelter's website and check their guidance and criteria to ensure you meet them.

If you do contact a shelter please mention you found the pet through Rescue Scottish Pets

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Louis is nearly 7 years old and is an indoor cat.

Louis would prefer a quiet home where he is the only pet, and can have all of someone's attention to himself.

Louis has had a history of overgrooming when stressed, and he had an attack of cystitis before coming into us - and once briefly while staying with us - but he is thankfully doing well, and now he looks very dashing with his newly grown in coat, it's time he go out to mingle in the wider world. Louis is quite a big cat, but easy to handle for going in a carrier etc.

If you would like more information about our homing process, and how to register, please phone us on 0131 554 5521 Mon - Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4