Rescue Scottish Pets

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Below is OLIVIA. They are in need of a new home. Please visit the shelter's website to view their requirements and advice before contacting to rehome.

Please take very careful consideration when considering rehoming. Visit the shelter's website and check their guidance and criteria to ensure you meet them.

If you do contact a shelter please mention you found the pet through Rescue Scottish Pets

OLIVIA at the Staffie Smiles Rescue

OLIVIA at the Staffie Smiles Rescue

Contact Shelter Adoption Form More Shelter Pets




3 years old


Medium - 30 kg

Please read the dogs profile before applying.  Only applications that meet the dog's needs will be considered. 
All our dogs will be neutered/spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. 

​Dogs - she was found tied up to a fence with another female dog 
Kids - unassessed
Cats - unassessed 

History... I was found with another dog abandoned / tied up to a fence in the street. 

​More about me... Olivia has just arrived with us after seeing her appeal on FB. Her world has fell apart after being dumped/ abandoned by her previous scum of an owner. 

Olivia does have a problem with her left eye and we think she could be blind in it as you can see from her photos, its very cloudy looking.This doesn't stop her loving her people and her walks. 

So far she has been a really lovely girl, we can touch her all over,  she walks very well on the lead, she loves to take her time and sniff every bit of grass, She takes treats really gently but is unsure what to do with toys. shes a really sooky girl and wants to be near us when walking she doesn't wander to far. Hopefully in time she will realise shes safe now and start to enjoy her life to the fullest. 

Type of home needed …
Bullbreed experienced home 
No kids 
No other dogs
A garden would be an added plus 

Olivia needs time to decompress and relax with somebody who will give her the time and patience she needs.


Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 – License Number: MLC/ARA/003 from Midlothian Council.